暂时称Civil Trip 2009。
这个毕业旅行团筹委会主席由Ah Kok担任。
而MATTA FAIR将在3月13至15号举行,到时我们将会
English Version will be posted later .....

CT01:Bali Island, Indonesia.

CT02: Taipei,Taiwan

CT03: Macau and Hong Kong,China

CT04: Phuket,Thailand

CT05: Pulau Perhentian, Malaysia
y no selection for kl?
make sure it is before may 7 ok
wei ..
wanna sit plane exp leh.
no $$ :'(
one more choice: phuket
ask TJM be leader la....
kuala lumpur= phuket
TJM as consultant...
The ppl who finish their thesis first will be the leader... agree?
Shanghai is disqualified,so "pulau perhentian" will replace it.
Y disqualified?
give a reason...
how do u know someone done edi....
y put tat tsunami photo for phuket island?
wan scare ppl...
one country one choice !!!
hk,macau vs shanghai
2 : 1
yala.. diu... u wan scare ppl meh
taiwan is aso china's...
they do not admit oni....
wow...having planning from nw on...
same...my classmate do the same things...decide to go some where thailand too...
wow so gd...soon u guys graduate
diao, if someone never read the comments, how he/she knows KL=Phuket????????????
P Perhentian=Shanghai????????
No option for US meh?
I thought to meet sue there de..
y suddenly taiwan so many votes d???haha
Wanna eat taiwan sausage ma!!!!!!!
Post more interesting photos la. Tat P.perhentian 1 reli beh tahan le!!! Scary!!!!
ping: no politics here pls!!! we don care who is the motherfucker of taiwan.
kok: i am the government of this blog,i can change d poll result....wah haha !!!
teh: more scary photos will be posted later...
shirley: Join together la...
Shie shyang: meet ur head...
shirley wan join us??
all we join theirs better.. no need organize so ma fan...
Who's shirley ah?? Ah kok???
1st coll one....shirley
No la they r going to Bali ma i heard. Not Thailand le. R u sure 1st coll de?
the zoo one..........a lion
i donno that shirley... haha..
a lion???
So few ppl vote de?? other coursemates dont 1 join civil trip ah!
think should spread more..
scare many ppl donno can vote here...
even TJM also din pose any comments..
hei patrick!!!!!!!
what zoo la.....swt!!!
wow u guys gonna spam up dis space!
y not discuss thrgany forum?ha!
until nw stil hv't decide where 2 go ka?....i'm shirley...friends called me Lion...but i'm nt look like lion...haha...
ENGLISH VERSION MANAAA!!! Don't tipu okay~? :ppp
sars, seem someone can not wait u to release ur eng version liao le!!! Haha!
seems like our trip gets attention from others friend wo... haha..
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